Monday 26 June 2017

Gardening, cooking, sewing...

As promised, I'm trying to blog every Monday from now on - this week, it seems to work for me. I guess I just have to get into the routine. So here're my updates of the week:

Remember that pumpkin growing on the fence? It's still hanging there just waiting to be used a delicious pumpkin curry during the week. I will have to weigh it but it's heavy!
On weekends I continue to use the Patio as my sewing room. Here I'm making myself a flannelette nighty for those cold nights.
My pretty Fluffball is just watching the world go by. He's such a placid soul!
I have heaps of Galangal growing at the moment but this one flowered. What a beautiful flower it is! If you don't know Galangal, it's a member of the ginger family and has a sharp, strong aroma and a hot, clean taste. It's great for Asian dishes.
On Sunday, after a day of gardening, I enjoyed an Aperol Spritz. Oh, I had forgotten how nice they taste!!! I emptied both bottles on my own, also the Aperol bottle was nearly empty anyway. But man, did I enjoy it! look how tropical that looks.
On Saturday we had the concreters finishing off yet another concreting job... This time the walkways and our new meditation garden. This is the main entry to our house, also nobody ever uses it.
Janus loves to sit here and watch the cows, cars, people, roos or whatever it is he looks at. If I ever look for him, sure enough he'll be sitting right there.
Our lemon tree is carrying so many beautiful lemons and I harvested so many already. I need to remember to make some lemon ice cubes for summer.
I harvested and pickled all the beetroot, we're eating plenty of silverbeet and the red cabbage is coming along as well. Not sure yet what to do with the Chia, It's in flower now and I guess I will have to harvest the seeds.
More pumpkin and garlic which will be ready just when my Mum comes for a visit. I recently pickled 2 kg of garlic, so we should have plenty.
Taaadaaa - a concrete pathway from the garden to the Entertainment area - yay!!!
Finally we planted more trees along the fence line. I know it will be forever until they're proper trees but it's going to look amazing!
My Fluffball is always by my side. And I reckon he loves his picture being taken. He just knows how pretty he is.
Look, I discovered more hanging pumpkins around the chookpen. Now I really must find some more pumpkin recipes.
The 'wet' garden is growing and growing and the lemongrass is flowering.
A bit hard to see but I planted a pomegranate here. I used to eat them in Germany around Christmas time a lot but they're hard to get here. Let's hope I now can grow my own.
The 'dry' garden is flourishing too.
Our rooster and the heads of 2 Hamburgs.
The Polish rooster and his Polish 'devil' lady.
See, she has horns! That is the weirdest thing I've ever seen.
He's funny looking too...
Recently we got a new side fence done and while we did get the old one removed we also removed the old stables. The yard looks a lot bigger now and both Mr S and I actually like the look of the Fig Tree now where it all has been cleaned up.
This was this weekend's project. I removed the gardenbed, added a new raised gardenbed and dug 2 holes for 2 more citrus trees which I have to get this week.
Tomatoes, lettuce and broccoli are growing well.

Pineapple and comfrey, so I can make my own fertiliser.
The next lot of kitchen utensils (loofas) are growing and so are the peas and sugarpeas.
In here I planted a bit of a mixture such as pineapple, lavender and a beautiful hibiscus. Unfortunately I missed taking a pic of the br=beautiful first flower but there will be many more, so stay tuned.
Our easy to maintain well producing veggie garden. I cut down all the passionfruit after the Cockatoos made a mess of it. It will grow back next year.
And this is what Mr S has been up to: mulching!
He finished the re-design of our old desert garden and transformed it into a tropical garden. I reckon it looks amazing!
We have a proper path going through which Mr S laid with his son. the two Foxtails now look even better.
The Euphorbia is cut down and the stump is now used to hold the birdbath.
We didn't remove all of the Aloe Vera, this one stayed. And it thanked us with flowering which looks beautiful.
The shade structure from the pool moved into the middle of the garden and was turned from temporary to permanent (=concreted in). We will create a relaxing spot here.
These are the views from our new spot:

See how large the back appears now? And don't miss our wedding Jacaranda.
Janus next to our wedding Jacaranda. It has grown heaps in our one and a half years of our marriage. Eventually we will be able to re-new our vowels underneath that tree,
I reckon Mr S has done an awesome job - this garden just looks beautiful!
Our caravan is nicely tucked in its spot. I think it will be a fair while until I travel in there again. But we had some good times in there and I'm looking forward to go caravaning with Mr S and Janus.
Love the new garden???
Our Grevillea is in full bloom and attracting the Lorikeets.
Pretty noisy over the afternoon but far less destructive than those cockatoos.
Mr S moved one of the agave's from the front entry into a pot and now it has a huge flower thingy growing!
Hungry Lorikeets...
Mr S's second home - his man-shed - complete with couch, trailer and of course his Harley!
When Janus had his grooming appointment, he came to work with me.
"Mummy stop playing on the computer and play with me..."
Ok, then I play by myself.
Freshly groomed - how pretty is Janus?!
This wasn't last weekend but one of our nice Sunday breakfast's - fresh breadrolls, jam and coffee.
Mother Nature does her best to impress us. Those colours during the winter months are just breathtaking.
I haven't just been gardening, I also did a lot of cooking and baking:
Pancakes for breakfast,
bread for lunch,
Passionfruit butter made out of our beautiful Passionfruits.
White bread this time!
This was supposed to be an orange almond cake. I think I tried to take it out too early out of the cake tin. Still tasted good.
Homemade pumpkin tortellini - yummy! And 80% out of our garden...
I made another table runner for my beloved little Sis. Hope she'll like it. I certainly enjoyed making it for her.
I also made myself a little coaster for work, so I've got something pretty there.
Despite it being winter, our chooks are laying a lot. Even Baby Chook has started laying already! I love the different coloured eggs, every day I can't wait to check for eggs and admire the white/brown/blue/green shell.
Janus and I relaxing on the daybed - nice!
I made Seafood Laksa - healthy and yummy!
Russischer Zupfkuchen - it's like a cheesecake with chocolate base and top.
It tasted amazing and even Mr S loved it!
We bbq'ed some pork chops, (sweet) potato and I made some red cabbage with apples. This is Mr S dinner...
... and this was my dinner and lunch the next day.
Just like at home with my family, I put a candle on while we have dinner every night.
Janus and me - love this pup to bits!
I made him a personalised blanket for dog training.
Isn't it beautiful? Just like my boy.
Mr Muddypaws likes his new blanket.
I've been waiting for a while to use these beautiful fabrics and now I found a great pattern for a nice reversible hobo bag. I absolutely love it!

Yep, totally reversible - how cool is that and a great size as well.
As you can see I really enjoy the winter months - it's just hard to decide between gardening, cooking, baking, sewing, embroidery... what to do first?

How are you spending those magnificent days?


  1. WOW after one week a new post!!! I see you was again very busy with gardening, sewing and cooking, everything looks really, really good and delicious!!! But and this is good, there was time for relaxing!!! I love Janus, he is so beautiful!!! Hope you enjoy your weekend!!!

  2. It seems like you've had a busy, productive week. I love your flower shaped coaster. So pretty.


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