Sunday, 1 January 2017

Welcome 2017!!!

Oh dear, I haven't written in a while - my apologies!!! In hindsight, I should have started a bit later but I was going to write about all the things I was doing... Unfortunately, moving back into our house, making it a home, cleaning the yard, training a puppy, starting a new job, getting chickens - that all took a lot more time and effort than I had anticipated and I didn't have time to write. To make things worse, I was struck with Pneumonia and I was too sick to even get off the couch. Two agonising weeks later didn't really do much for my stamina and I was quickly exhausted. Nevermind, this all was last year, let's concentrate on the new year!

Janus has grown heaps. He was 30 cm (shoulder height) when I got him and he's now 5 months old, has grown to 52 cm and his weight increased from 8 to 15 kg. And he's (nearly) perfect. He's smart, obedient - and a little stubborn. He has NOT destroyed anything, chewed anything or dug the garden up. I can't believe how well mannered he is. I love him to bits and so does my husband. I had him de-sexed a week ago and he has recovered quickly. On Tuesday he will get the stitches removed and then he can jump in his Pool again which he's missing immensely over the past few hot days. I'm looking forward to continue to train him in 2017 and if he does continue like this, he might be able to go on his first trial.
I have distributed 1 m3 of cow manure and 6 m3 of soil around the garden and as we were lucky to have a little bit of rain, everything is flowering and looks so beautiful!
I haven't seen our yard in such good health for a while, I'm very happy with my effort and grateful for the rain - hopefully there will be some more. Currently we're discussing some changes in our yard due to some further renovations, I will talk about that another time. For now, we just have to keep the water up to the plants on those hot days and it will be fine. I'm hopeful that we will be able to get the yard in such a state that we don't have to do any major work over the summer months - it's just way too hot. All that dirt shuffling nearly killed me - especially after being so sick for so long.
Today is the first day of 2017 - a year I'm looking forward to. I feel prepared, ready and I have big plans. I'm looking forward to develop myself, my career, my marriage and our home and I'm hoping you will follow me along this journey - I know it's going to be great!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!!! Apologies accept, you have so many things to do and your health must going first!!! Janus is absoluty beautiful, cute and gorgeous!!! Your home and the garden looks sooo beautiful, you´re happy and it must be with all the good things around you!!! Beautiful pics!!! Wish you a great 2017 from the bottom of my heart!!!


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